Women's Health

Plantation Medical Clinic
Internal Medicine Physicians & Advanced Practice Clinicians located in Plantation, FL
Women need different types of care at various stages of life. At Plantation Medical Clinic in Plantation, Florida, Peter Simek, MD and his team can help you understand and care for your body along the way. Our office performs preventative care such as GYN-exam with Pap for your convenience, as well as yearly breast examination and mammography prescription. The team keeps tabs on your health and watches for indications of problems, while providing just about every kind of women’s health screening you may need.
Women's Health
When should I start getting Pap smears and how often?
Typically, you should have your first Pap smear by age 21, or as soon as you’ve become sexually active, whichever happens first. You’ll probably need an annual Pap smear once a year, depending on your family history.
It’s a good idea to follow the recommendations of the clinicians at the practice when it comes to scheduling your Pap smear. The general guidelines fit the majority of women, but you may need more regular testing, depending on your family medical history and past personal health.
Which health issues affect women?
Aside from gynecological issues, men and women face many of the same health concerns. But additional screening is often required for women since certain health problems are more prevalent in women. For instance, women have a greater risk of death after a heart attack, which is why it’s important to have regular blood cholesterol and lipid panels run during your exams.
Women also have a higher chance of experiencing urinary tract problems in addition to osteoporosis, which is the loss of bone mass that occurs with menopause. While both men and women can have sexually transmitted diseases, they’re generally more serious in women. Plus women are more likely to have anxiety and depression. Because you have a greater risk of dealing with so many health issues as a woman, it’s important to stay current with your health screenings.
How often should I get a mammogram?
You should start getting routine mammograms around ages 40, although you may need one earlier if you have a family history of breast cancer. During this timeframe, Dr. Simek will likely suggest getting a mammogram annually. The frequency of your mammograms depends on your family and breast history.
While a mammogram is an important part of the breast screening process, you should also perform monthly breast self- exams. If you don’t know how, the caring team at Plantation Medical Clinic can teach you how to conduct breast self-exams.